See Rules here. Click TEAM PAGES on the right for pics, video and analysis! Five rounds, three picks per turn! Categories listed below.
What best captures the essence of the 80s?
Chivalry Is Dead's choices by round. ROUND ONE 1. Phrase - Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis? 2. Song/Video - Take On Me by A-Ha 3. Song/Video - Sledge Hammer by Peter Gabriel ROUND TWO 1. 2. 3. ROUND THREE 1. 2. 3. ROUND FOUR 1. 2. 3. ROUND FIVE 1. 2. 3.
Pics, videos and draft breakdown listed below. Click "Draft Home" on the right to access the other teams. Roughnecks
1.6 The Simpsons - I picked theSimpsons because it is bar none, the best sitcom of all time. If Seinfeld was still running, that would have gotten my vote, but it's off the air ;)
What can you say about theSimpsons? D'oh! It is one of the few shows that has it's finger on the pulse of American culture - and does an outstanding job of makng a statement while at the same time being hilarious.
Lisa becomes a vegetarian is one of my favorite episodes of all time. "Pork, ham, bacon.." "but dad, they're all from the same animal!" "SUUUURE Lisa, some MAGICAL animal!!" hahaha. Then she goes and visits Apu and tries a Soy hotdog and Apu tells her to go through the non-alcoholic beer cooler to a secret compartment where Paul McCartney is hanging out. lmao. super funny.
The one where Homer joins the stonemasons - a classic - the one where homer wins an argument with God... oh man. THe list goes on and on.
My single favorite scene from all Simpsons is the one where Bart & Lisa build a fortress from UPS boxes, and UPS comes in droves to reclaim their packing materials. It's totally like the scene from Helms' Deep in Lord of the Rings. 2.3 Married With Children - Writeup pending. 3.6 South Park - What can you say about South Park that it can't say for itself? OH MY GOD, THEY KILLED KENNY! BASTARDS! Go make me some pie! I want my cheesypoofs! Drugs are bad, mmmmkay?
1. Steal underpants. 2. ?????? 3. PROFIT!
IT'S HEADING RIGHT FOR US!! CRIPPLEFIGHT! I'm not fat, I'm big boned! Screw you guys, I'm going home! haha... one of the greatest shows ever, in my opinion ;) 4.3 Fawlty Towers - What do you get when you cross John Cleese as a ridiculously ignorant simpleton hotel owner with a short fuse and equally ridiculous employees and guests (and even wife) in a ritzy-half-ritzy hotel who al enjoy spending more time making a situation worse (and thus, funnier) than actually resolving it? Fawlty Towers!
Only a few episodes were ever made, and they were made back in the 70's.
I didn't truly appreciate the series until I began working for a company based in the UK. When my former (Welsh) boss invited me (and a few others) to his house for pool, cards, beers, and fun, he put on an episode of Fawlty Towers, and I was hooked. (The episode was the one where the Hotel Inspectors want a Waldorf Salad). haha suuuuper funny, at least to me ;) Great stuff. I truly wish that more episodes were made. :D 5.6 30 Rock - Writeup pending.
VIDEO CLIPS: The Simpsons - Roughnecks found this LOTR clip!
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